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Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Funds

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act authorized Governor Wolf to determine the educational use of Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Funds. Funding allocations were distributed to support preschool and early intervention, postsecondary institutions and adult basic education providers, career and technical education centers (CTCs), students with special needs, historically underserved students, high-speed internet connection, and continuing education and equity grants.

The chart below provides an accounting of these funds.

Activity Name Amount
Early Intervention$3,000,000
Early Intervention Compensatory Education$5,000,000
Compensatory Education (Special ​Education COVID-19 Impact Mitigation Grant (SECIM))
Continuity of Education Equity Grants$14,000,000
Connectivity and Technology$15,000,000
Foundational suppo​rt for CTCs$10,500,000
A-TSI Foundational Support$15,000,000
Other Foundational Support for Schools Designated for Improvement$3,918,240
Safe Reopening Equity Grants for Postsecondary Institutions
Equity Grants for Adult Basic Education Providers
Emergency Support for Historically Black Colleges and Universities in PA
Total of Activities $104,418,240