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No Place for Hate: Discussing Equity & Inclusion for Asian and Pacific Island Americans

March 31, 2021 12:00 AM
By: PDE Press and Communications and Dr. Nikole Hollins-Sims

Equity Hub Blog

Equity, diversity, and inclusion are at the forefront of many educational spaces. Recent events across the nation have made it increasingly clear that as a country, we must do better.

In the past year, there have been nearly 3,800 self-reported incidents of anti-Asian violence in the United States.

There is room for us as a society to learn, grow, and charter a new path. Dr. Nikole Hollins-Sims, Special Advisor on Equity to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, says:

“As we think about equity, diversity, and inclusion in our schools, we recognize that our school systems are microcosms of society. We have an obligation to continuously provide emotionally and physically safe learning environments for students to thrive and grow. Current events that have been occurring in the Asian-American community are important to discuss and acknowledge. Dr. Ronald Whitaker’s H.E.L.P. framework is a way to consider the (H)istory of Asian-Americans in the U.S., understand the importance of ensuring (E)quity vs. Equality, approach this work through the lens of (L)ove [relationships], and then move to effective (P)edagogy and Practices.”

Administrators, teachers, and support staff are the backbone to any educational environment. When thinking and having important conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion, a good tool to consider is the self-awareness pillar of the Equitable Practices Hub. The self-awareness pillar highlights the importance of introspection as well as examining, enriching, and empowering ourselves and each other to bring more intentional equitable practices into classrooms and school communities.

Additional helpful resources:

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